pulseEKKO GPR - Rentals and Sales


Lithogen offers the Sensors and Software pulseEKKO GPR system for rent or purchase in Canada and the USA.

The Sensors and Software (from Radiodetection) pulseEKKO ground penetrating radar is designed to be able to conduct a variety of surveys to address the needs of GPR professionals. It can be deployed in a variety of configurations, including cart and tow options. Additionally, the fully bistatic design enables variable antenna offsets and orientations for advanced survey types such as multi-offset, transilluminatino, and multi-polarization. The pulseEKKO’s has a large selection of operating bandwidth options to optimize the spatial resolution at various depths and target sizes. Low system noise paired with high-accuracy digital acquisition directly at the receiving antenna results in unprecedented depth of penetration.


– geological stratigraphy, fracture, and bedrock mapping
– geotechnical and environmental investigations
– forensics and archeology
– glacial, ice, and snow measurement
– structure assessment


External Geode GPS or TopCon GPS
25 MHz to 1000 MHz antennas
SmartHandle and SmartCart mobility options

Rental Prices

Our latest daily, weekly, and monthly rental rates for Sensors and Software equipment, as well as our general rental terms and conditions, can be found below:
Canada Rental Rates (CAD)
USA Rental Rates (USD)

Purchase Option

As an authorized distributor of Sensors and Software products, Lithogen is proud to offer the pulseEKKO GPR for sale. Contact us to discuss pricing and options. 

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