EM-16R Rentals
Lithogen offers the Sensors and Geonics EM-16R VLF Receiver for rent in Canada and the USA.
The Geonics EM-16R Receiver is one of the most widely used electromagnetic geophysical instruments of all time. The instrument allows for the measurement and resolution of the local tilt and ellipticity of VLF broadcasts and is ideal for mapping linear conductors such as water-bearing faults and fractures at depths of up to 150 meters. The EM-16 has also been the source of many base- and precious-metal ore body discoveries. Its Resistivity Attachment can also be used to measure apparent resistivity of the earth which can assist in mapping resistive features and alteration.
– mineral exploration
– archaeology (i.e. rails in mines)
– geotechnical (faults and seems, mine wall stability)
Available frequencies: 25.2 KHz, 24 KHz, 21.5 KHz, 17.8 KHz, 16.55 KHz, 14.8 KHz.
Resisitivity Attachment
Rental Prices
Our latest daily, weekly, and monthly rental rates for the Geonics equipment, as well as our general rental terms and conditions, can be found below:
Canada Rental Rates (CAD)
USA Rental Rates (USD)
Contact us for Expert Advice
Additional information on the Geonics EM-16R is available here.